What We Do

Founded in 2017 by Carolyn-Marie Goodwin, Uplifting Blessings is a grassroots community initiative that serves the homeless and vulnerable in Orillia and surrounding area.


Uplifting Blessings has evolved from a single person managing individual requests, to a system of individual managers managing programs from their homes, and now in 2022, to a centrally located headquarters. UB is resourced exclusively with volunteers, specifically, five part-time volunteers and several casual volunteers. Our space, as well as its amenities, including washer and dryer, is courtesy of Northern Roots owner, Montana Hassard. We rely on local businesses and individuals for donations, and could not do the work we do without the support of our community!

Our Work

Year round, Uplifting Blessings collects material donations from generous individuals and businesses in our community through appeals made on social media channels. Appeals are often facilitated by partnerships with local businesses, and items collected include new and gently used clothing, personal care and hygiene items. Through our various branches, we organize and pack donations based on order forms we receive from or on behalf of vulnerable individuals through our service organization partners. To ensure the dignity and health of recipients, only items that meet high quality standards are retained and distributed.

Our Branches

Our branches identify the different areas of our year-round work. Uplifting Blessings Branches include:







Click the links to learn more about each Uplifting Blessings Branch!

Other Programs


By request, Uplifting Blessings Founder Carolyn-Marie Goodwin is hosted by schools and other groups to provide talks about her story of domestic trauma, homelessness and the creation of Uplifting Blessings. Through her message of strength and rebuilding, and illumination of the fragility of the displaced and homeless, she inspires listeners to build a more empathetic view of the difficulties facing the vulnerable in our community.

Want to book a School or Community Talk? Email upliftingblessingsorillia@gmail.com with the subject ‘Community Talk’ and we will be in touch!


Through the generosity of donors, we provide stockings filled with hygiene and personal care items, festive goodies and a present for recipients for the Holiday season. They are provided to children, youth and adults identified as in need by our Community Partners. A community affair, our Community Business Partners and individuals donate supplies for the stockings. In 2021, over 150 stockings and gifts were stuffed, wrapped and delivered to our Community Partner’s clients.  

UPLIFTING HOLIDAY DINNERS: For the last three years, with the support of several Community Business Partners, we were able to provide 20 family meals and 25 individual meals on Christmas Eve to recipients identified by our Community partners.

Click Here to Get Involved

“When community members are going through a vulnerable time in their life, having different members of the community coming together to show that they are loved and not forgotten creates compassion and empathy…”

— Carolyn-Marie Goodwin, Founder of Uplifting Blessings,